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AI Children's Book Maker Review 🔥 - Let AI Become Your Writer and Your Artist

AI Children's Book Maker Review 🔥 - Let AI Become Your Writer and Your Artist

AI Children's Book Maker Review 2024
AI Children's Book Maker Review 2024

AI Children's Book Maker Review 🔥 - Let AI Become Your Writer and Your Artist

The children's book industry is thriving and booming, and there is a growing need for excellent, captivating books for young readers. According to The Business Research Company, the children's books are a $11.59 Billion industry in 2023; that's a lot of books. Another research stated that over 60% of children's book purchases are made online.

But it's not just about the numbers – the impact of children's books on young minds is immeasurable. Children's books have the power to shape a child's imagination, teach valuable life lessons, and instill a love for reading that can last a lifetime.

However, creating a children's book can be an overwhelming process. It typically involves several stages, including brainstorming and developing the story, writing and revising the manuscript, hiring an artist to create illustrations, designing the layout, and finally, publishing and marketing your book. Each of these stages requires careful attention to detail and a significant investment of time and effort.

What if I told you, there's a way to create children's books without the need to go through all this process? I'm talking about a way that will eliminate most of those steps and will do more than 90% of the hard work!

Let me introduce you to AI Children's Book Maker. With this tool, you can come up with brilliant ideas, engaging stories, and captivating illustrations for children's books with simple clicks using the power of the latest AI technology.

You don't have to be a writer, you don't need to have skills, and finally, you can leverage the power of AI to get a slice of this lucrative industry.

In this AI Children's Book Maker Review 2024, we will delve deeply into this amazing tool, explaining its features, how it works, and how to make money with it.

Table of Contents:

  • AI Children's Book Maker Overview
  • What is AI Children's Book Maker?
  • Who Is The Creator of AI Children's Book Maker?
  • How Does AI Children's Book Maker Work?
  • AI Children's Book Maker Demo
  • How Can You Make Money With AI Children's Book Maker?
  • AI Children's Book Maker Features
  • AI Children's Book Maker Pros and Cons
  • AI Children's Book Maker Bonuses
  • Who is AI Children's Book Maker For?
  • AI Children's Book Maker Price, Upgrades, and Discounts
  • AI Children's Book Maker Frequently Asked Questions
  • AI Children's Book Maker Conclusion – Final Verdict

AI Children's Book Maker Overview

  • Product Name: AI Children's Book Maker.
  • Creator: Eric Holmlund and Ryan Greene.
  • Niche: Children's books.
  • Official Website: Click Here
  • Overall Rate: 4.6/5
  • Recommended for: Authors, parents, educators, and online entrepreneurs.
  • Support: 24/7
  • Guarantee: 30-day money-back guarantee.

What is AI Children's Book Maker?

What is AI Children's Book Maker?
What is AI Children's Book Maker?

it's a web-based tool that uses the most advanced AI technology to create children's books from A to Z in simple steps. It writes engaging stories, draws amazing illustrations, and gathers all the pieces together into a professional-looking, ready-to-sell book.


Who Is The Creator of AI Children's Book Maker?

AI Children's Book Maker Creator
AI Children's Book Maker Creator

Eric Holmlund and Ryan Greene are the brains behind this amazing tool.

Eric is a well-known, seven-figure internet marketer who has been working in this field since 1999. He has launched lots of successful campaigns, the last one was GPTDash. Eric infused his lifetime knowledge and experience to mentor and help thousands of online entrepreneurs achieve their aspirations and become titans in the industry.

Eric is also an author and an artist; he has published a bunch of captivating novels and poetries that have been selling on Amazon like hotcakes, such as Of Rocks and Roses, Coach on Wheels, and many more.

On the other hand, Ryan Greene is a software genius and a marketing expert since 2015. He has also trained others to build successful online businesses. Ryan has utilized his technology experience in machine learning and AI engineering to make this tool powerful, effective, and user-friendly.


How Does AI Children's Book Maker Work?

Eric used his experience as a writer and an artist to distill his skills into this tool and it took him a lot of trial and error to create the perfect results that can be repeated by an average person who has no experience in writing or drawing.

It is not necessary for you to be an artist, writer, or possess any technical experience. It's not even necessary to have an idea, because this tool can suggest great ideas to choose from and convert them into brilliant, captivating stories with amazing illustrations that illuminate the mind and dazzle the eye!

AI Children's Book Maker dashboard is accessible on the internet. You can use any computer or device to log in and start to use it.

It harnesses the most recent and advanced AI technology: ChatGPT from OpenAI.

So the creators have utilized ChatGPT API on the backend. The software uses your personal OpenAI account, which you can create for free. All you need to do is copy your API key, which is so easy to do and they'll tell you exactly how to do it.


AI Children's Book Maker Demo

AI Children's Book Maker Demo
AI Children's Book Maker Demo

With just six easy steps, you can write, illustrate, and publish fantastic children's books. You will see demonstration videos for each of the six steps. You'll be able to see PRECISELY what this technology is capable of, as well as how it will benefit you and your business.

STEP #1: Generate an idea or outline

Simply click the button to:

Come up with engaging and fun children's book ideas that cover a variety of subjects and themes.

Receive children's book ideas and suggestions for a variety of age groups.

Come up with book ideas that enlighten kids and convey valuable knowledge.

Write children's books in a variety of genres, from fiction to actual science.

Turn any vague or rough idea into professional book ideas with summaries.

Take your idea and come up with intriguing titles and plots for your book.


STEP #2: Generate a title

Simply complete one blank and press the button to generate:

Creative and catchy titles for each idea you generated in Step #1.

Titles for ideas that you already have in your mind.

A broad range of titles in different styles from adventurous to humorous.

Of course, you can skip this step if you have a title already in mind. It only takes a minute, so I'd still suggest doing it because it generates excellent titles that are even better than the ones you would have thought of on your own.


STEP #3: Generate the story

This is getting to be more exciting! For now, all you need to do is click the button and complete a few blanks to generate:

Your complete children's book story!

A story for any age group.

Use the writing style and tone of your choice.

Revise and adjust anything you don't like.

All of this is done using the idea and title that were created for you in Steps #1 and #2.

You don't need to come up with anything. Let the A.I. Children's Book Maker do the hard work for you.

Also, the A.I. Children's Book Maker can create the story based on your own mind ideas and titles.


STEP #4: Generate optional pages

Simply click the button to create:

A copyright page, a title page, and a back cover that will make your book more intriguing and easy to sell.


STEP #5: Create your illustrations

Here is where the magic happens! simply complete one blank and press the button to generate images similar to these ones produced by the A.I. Children's Book Maker:

AI Children's Book Maker Illustrations
AI Children's Book Maker Illustrations

There are unlimited styles, from realistic photographs to pen sketches. You can create ANY style of drawing you like.

There are countless possible styles, from realistic photographs to pen sketches.

Those are not stock photos. just type in what you want A.I. Children's Book Maker to create, and it'll amaze you with unique illustrations. You can use them in any way with no limitation. For instance, you could go to a print-on-demand website like Zazzle and use the image on a variety of products to sell in addition to writing children's books.


STEP #6: Publish Your Book!

Simply follow the detailed instructions in the member area to:

Select the ideal format and size for your children's book.

Combine all of the elements into a format that is suitable for publishing and printing.

Immediately create an ebook that is ready to sell.


How Can You Make Money With AI Children's Book Maker?

When most people consider writing children's books, they consider "traditional publishing".

That is definitely one choice. If you're fortunate enough to have your book approved by a publisher, you may be eligible to receive royalties and a payment in advance.

But nowadays, there are SO MANY MORE chances that you don't need to be "lucky" to take advantage of them.

Actually, a number of well-known children's book authors have stated in recent years that they are able to earn MUCH MORE MONEY by choosing not to follow the "traditional" approach.

Here are just a few of the ways you can make money with AI Children's Book Maker:


Many of today's highest-paid and most successful writers follow this path. With services like IngramSpark and Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), you can independently publish your book. Compared to traditional book publishing, you get to keep a MUCH bigger portion of your revenues when you choose this choice. Both digital ebooks and paper books can be used with this option.

Authors who choose self-publishing frequently make as much as 70% or more in royalties, whereas traditional publishing typically pays only between 5% and 15%!


Print on demand (POD):

You can print your book on demand with POD services like Lulu or Amazon KDP Print. If you want to sell your book as a physical copy but don't want to spend a lot of money, this is the perfect solution for you. Previously, publishing your book in print required an enormous financial investment. These days, you never have to keep inventory because you can order as few as one copy, and clients can order them as needed!


Ebooks Selling:

Since e-books are among the most widely used book distribution channels, you can sell digital copies of your book on websites like Barnes & Noble, Apple iBooks, and Amazon.

Of course, your own website can also be used to sell ebooks. All you need to do is save it as a PDF file for your clients to download.



Your children's book can be readily turned into an audiobook and sold on services like Audible, iTunes, or Google Play.

What about the pictures, you might be asking? Trust me, Parents still purchase them and play them to their kids while driving in the car.


Licensing and merchandising:

Many of the toys in the department store's toy section are directly based on children's books. You can grant licenses for your book or its characters to use them in toys, clothes, or video games, Even better, you can market your OWN products using illustrations or characters from your book.

Sounds challenging? Actually, it's not. In the past, you would need to make a sizable upfront investment and arrange a manufacturing deal. Similar to print-on-demand book sites, there are numerous print-on-demand marketplaces offering everything from calendars to clothes to mugs. Zazzle, Redbubble, Cafepress, Teespring, Printful, and many more are just a few of them! To get started, all you need to do is create an account and upload your artwork for free.


Publish your books in other languages:

You can publish and translate your book in any language you think of. In order to receive royalties from sales abroad, you can license the rights to your book for translation and distribution in various countries. How many nations and tongues are out there? Yes, all those folks can buy children's books!


Patreon or crowdfunding:

Create a community of supporters and/or raise money for your work by using websites such as Indiegogo, Kickstarter, and Patreon. You can use crowdfunding to make your book a best-seller before it is even released. Additionally, you can use a fan subscription service like Buy Me a Coffee or Patreon to transform this into a monthly revenue stream that will allow you to continue producing content (like children's books).


Freelance writing and illustration:

Once you get the A.I. Children's Book Maker today, they'll give you Agency Rights so you can use it to create books for customers. You can provide other writers, publishers, or businesses in any niche with your writing and illustration skills. These types of jobs can pay a lot of money, and you can discover them on platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer. Additionally, I believe that there is now a largely unexplored market for personalized children's books. Consider this: you might write a unique children's book for a customer with their own kid as a character! You can charge your clients big bucks for such services.


AI Children's Book Maker Features

Automate The Story Creation Process:

The AI Children's Book Maker saves writers and illustrators a great deal of time and effort by automating the story creation process. It produces intriguing stories that fit the intended idea and plot, guaranteeing readability and coherence. Based on the user choices and feedback, the program also can make the necessary adjustments and improvements to the story.


Adaptable Illustrations and Characters:

Users of the AI Children's Book Maker can choose from a broad range of characters and illustrations. These are easily customizable to fit the plot and attract young readers. With the AI Children's Book Maker, you can make visually attractive books with talking animals, adventurous pirates, or magical creatures from a vast library of amazing illustrations.


Easy-to-navigate interface:

The AI Children's Book Maker streamlines the children's book-making process with an intuitive and user-friendly interface. The program is easy to use even for those with little technical knowledge. Authors, parents, and educators can all use the program because it has simple customization options with drag-and-drop functionality and intuitive controls.


Engaging Elements and Animations:

The AI Children's Book Maker facilitates the incorporation of interactive elements and animations to enhance the reading experience. For added educational value, users can add interactive games, puzzles, and quizzes to the book. Children are attracted to the interactive and visually engaging story by the incorporation of animated characters and objects that bring the story to life.


Create your children's book in any major language:

You can create amazing children's books in any major language you want, whether Spanish, Portuguese, French, Turkish, or whatever, you can expand your audience and multiply your sales and profits by taking advantage of this powerful feature.


AI Children's Book Maker Pros and Cons


This advanced web-based program writes and illustrates fascinating children's books using artificial intelligence.

And you know what? You can accomplish this without the need to be good at writing or illustration.

You'll have No Concerns regarding the storyline, character growth, or drawing ability. Everything is taken care of by the AI! Simply enter your idea, and within minutes, your book will come to life.

Both kids and parents enjoy the outstanding content that the A.I. Children's Book Maker produces. They are jam-packed with captivating stories and colorful illustrations that fascinate and entertain.

Anyway, here are also some advantages you can see:

Time-saving and Cost-effective:

Writing a children's book from start to finish can be costly and time-consuming. By automating the whole process, the AI Children's Book Maker simplifies the procedure and reduces the time and resources required. With AI-generated content, authors and illustrators can concentrate on the creative parts, saving a substantial amount of their time and money.

Boosts Imagination and Creativity:

The AI Children's Book Maker is an effective tool for fostering imagination and creativity. It gives writers a wide variety of writing styles to explore a wide range of themes and genres. Additionally, the tool promotes creativity by letting users combine various interactive features, characters, and illustrations to create original and fascinating stories.

Engages Young Readers:

Today's children are growing up in an era of technology where multimedia and interactivity are the norm. This preference is met by the AI Children's Book Maker, which adds animations and interactive features to the books. Young readers are kept actively engaged in the story which encourages a love of reading and education.



AI Children's Book Maker Needs a Chat-GPT Account to Work.

You'll need a ChatGPT account to use this program because it utilizes ChatGPT as an AI engine.

However, you can create one for free.

And if you have any problem registering, you can contact support to help you with this step.


You Need To Revise Your Work.

AI in general is great at generating ideas and creating the foundations and the framework of your book, but still, you need to use it as an assistance. You can't trust AI blindly without checking out and adjusting the errors and the mistakes that can come from it.


AI Children's Book Maker Bonuses

The creators want to make sure that members are going to get the best results out of this tool, so they've included a library of training and tutorials:

1- Character Illustration Strategies Tutorial

AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 1
AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 1

20 Pages.

Strategies to perfectly illustrate children's books.

Create a recurring character.

2- Choosing a Publishing Software for Your Book

AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 2
AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 2

9 Pages.

Top recommendation for publishing programs.

The pros and cons of each option.

3- Children's Book Page Sizing

AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 3
AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 3

8 Pages.

Creators' recommended sizes.

The best sizes for printed books and ebooks.

Lists of industry sizes with explanation.

Get the best size with free tools.


4- Publishing Options for Your Children's Book

AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 4
AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 4

13 Pages.

Publish your book for free – The fastest way.


5-Upscaling Your Illustrations

AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 5
AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 5

5 Pages.

Advanced tutorials.

How to make ultra-high-resolution illustrations.


6- Marketing Your Children's Book

AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 6
AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 6

21 Pages.

8 Strategies to successfully sell your book.

The roadmap to make money from your book.

Step-by-step tutorials.


7- Eric Talks About Copyrights and AI

AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 7
AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 7

10-minute video talks about copyrights.

Why it's fine to use AI to create content.


8- Children's Book Templates

AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 8
AI Children's Book Maker Bonus 8

Google Docs and Microsoft Word templates.

Just copy & paste your text and illustrations.

Save time and effort.


Who is AI Children's Book Maker For?

The A.I. Children's Book Maker software is made to serve a broad audience of people who want to write or illustrate children's books but do not have the requisite abilities. The following categories might benefit from using this app:

Aspiring Authors:

The AI Children's Book Maker is a useful tool for people who love telling stories and wish to transform their ideas into children's books. It gives them an opportunity to express their ideas and share their tales without requiring them to be proficient writers.


Parents And Educators:

For parents and teachers who wish to engage kids with original and personalized stories, the app can be a great resource. They can add their own ideas or even let kids help write stories, which will encourage imagination and creativity.


Small Publishers:

The AI Children's Book Maker is a useful tool for self-publishing authors or independent publishers who want to add more children's books to their portfolios. It allows them to effectively generate fresh content.

They can sell or distribute the books they create with the app's commercial license. This can open up new business and revenue prospects.


Creative Hobbyists:

The AI Children's Book Maker offers joy and satisfaction to everyone who just enjoys artistic pursuits and wants to delve into the realm of children's books.

It provides an accessible and intuitive platform for them to let their creativity run wild and share stories with loved ones.


AI Children's Book Maker Price, Upgrades, and Discounts

AI Children's Book Maker Price, Upgrades and Discounts
AI Children's Book Maker Price, Upgrades and Discounts

All of the following tasks can be completed with the A.I. Children's Book Maker:

  • Create imaginative children's book ideas.
  • Write stories based on any idea.
  • Come up with fantastic book titles.
  • Come up with more book elements (Copyright Page, Back Cover).
  • Draw breathtaking illustrations!
  • Teach you how to publish and market it.
  • Repeat the process over and over to create an unlimited amount of children's books!

You can get all of these powerful features for only $23!

And it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can't get a better deal than that! Get it now before the price goes up!



This upgrade can open up new markets.

Your ability to write children's books will be multiplied by the Pro Edition membership due to the addition of two enormously improved components:

1- The Chapter Book Upgrade (the ability to write books for young readers and older children)

2- The Upgraded Illustration Tools (additional book sizes and improved illustrations)


AI Children's Book Maker Frequently Asked Questions

Q/ Does AI Children's Book Maker Require Any Technical Experience?

No. Special attention was given to make the AI Children's Book Maker easy to use and user-friendly, especially for people with no prior background in writing or illustration. The tool guides you at every stage of the book-making process, from coming up with ideas to creating illustrations to publishing and marketing your book.


Q/ Is it possible to change the content produced by the AI Children's Book Maker?

Yes, you can. You have complete authority over the content that the AI Children's Book Maker generates. This covers the plot, the characters, the artwork, and the additional elements found in the book. Every element can be adjusted and customized to guarantee that the finished result satisfies your needs and vision.


Q/ Which artistic forms are supported by the AI Children's Book Maker while creating illustrations?

There are many different artistic styles available for illustrations in the AI Children's Book Maker. Among the choices are realistic pictures, pen doodles, watercolors, and paper collages. The tool offers countless options to suit your taste and bring your story and characters to life.


Q/ Can I use the illustrations that the AI Children's Book Maker produces for different purposes?

Sure. The artificial intelligence children's book maker produces original, unlimited graphics. You can use them for promotional materials, add them to your children's books, or even sell them on print-on-demand websites. The final say is all yours!


Q/ Is there customer service for the AI Children's Book Maker?

Absolutely, you can get help from customer service whenever you have questions or issues with the AI Children's Book Maker. You can contact their committed support team by email or the support site, and they'll make sure you get the help you require.


Q/ What is the AI Children's Book Maker's refund policy?

They are offering the AI Children's Book Maker with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Within 30 days of your first purchase, you can seek a refund if the tool doesn't fulfill your needs or if you're not happy with your purchase.


Q/ Can I use AI Children's Book Maker to produce books for multiple age groups?

Of course. You can create books with the AI Children's Book Maker that are appropriate for different age groups. From young children to older kids and teenagers, you can tailor your story and illustrations to each reader's needs and interests. This gives you the ability to write for a wide variety of readers and reach a wider audience.


Q/ Can I sell the books created with AI Children's Book Maker?

Yes, all rights to the books you create with the AI Children's Book Maker belong to you. You are allowed to publish and market them however you see fit. It's totally up to you whether you decide to work with traditional publishers or publish independently. As we mentioned how to make money with AI Children's Book Maker earlier in this review, the creators have covered this aspect with detailed step-by-step tutorials and resources needed to monetize the content created by this amazing tool.


AI Children's Book Maker Conclusion – Final Verdict

AI Children's Book Maker is a revolutionary tool that uses the most recent and advanced AI technology to produce high-quality, engaging children's books.

With simple clicks, you can generate ideas, stories, titles, and illustrations, and put them all together into the right format that is ready to be published and sold.

The creators have published well-detailed tutorial videos in the member area that explain each step of the whole process, and they offer free bonuses and resources to ensure that users SUCCEED using this powerful tool.

There are lots of big business opportunities with AI Children's Book Maker. You can make money with this tool using traditional publishing, print on demand, ebooks selling on Amazon, Crowdfunding on Patreon, or selling your services on freelance platforms like Fiverr and Upwork.

The tool saves a great deal of time, effort, and money and streamlines the book creation process, increasing productivity and ensuring fast success.

I've personally bought and tried the tool. Although I wasn't a big fan of Children's books, I changed my mind after I was AMAZED by the creative abilities of this tool and became totally interested in the industry, and why shouldn't I? it's SO much fun and pleasure to create those stories and illustrations.

Another thing that motivated me to get the tool was the price, which is so affordable, After I saw the price and the 30-day money-back guarantee, I didn't hesitate to take action.

Lastly, I encourage you to try it; it is so powerful and it opens up so many business opportunities, and there's no risk since it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, so Why Not Give It A Shot?

SURPRISE: If you've decided to purchase the tool through any link on this page, I'll give you the following books FOR FREE:


The Easy Way To Write Your First Book
The Easy Way To Write Your First Book


Effective Copywriting 101
Effective Copywriting 101


How To Sell Like A Pro Online
How To Sell Like A Pro Online


Building Confidence For Kids
Building Confidence For Kids


Freelance Expert
Freelance Expert

All you have to do is send me the receipt to my email: darrylhudson86@gmail.com, and I'll send you my bonuses right away.

That's the end of this review. Feel free to share your thoughts and inquiries in the comments section, I'd be more than glad to read and respond to them.

Subscribe to my newsletter, to get notified when I publish new content.

This is also my Linkedin page: AI Children's Book Maker Review 2024

Best wishes, Darryl.


Disclaimer: This Page Contains Affiliate Links. If you buy anything through this page we may get a small commission without affecting the price of the product. The price is still the same any place else.



AI Children's Book Maker Review 🔥 - Let AI Become Your Writer and Your Artist

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